On Reading

"When you read a book, you don't just read, you journey. This is why at first, one is always regretful upon nearing the last page, thinking that it all ends there. But it is when we look into our minds after reading that we find the new world we discovered and with dawning realization see the truth of the matter:
...that the journey never ends."

Monday, April 13, 2015

April 2015: Most Anticipated YA Reads

This weekend, the amazing, fun and author-filled Yallwest just happened in Santa Monica, and I sadly couldn't go because of reasons. *cries for an eternity* Naturally, I have a lot of feels about books that just ended up with me looking up, well, more books. I know it's already mid-April, but here are some books coming out in the remainder of this month that I, for one, am looking forward to.

(I apologize right now for the apparent genre bias in this list. I can't seem to get enough of fantasy these days. Thanks, Sarah J. Maas.)


Dream A Little Dream by Kerstin Gier
Why the hype: I thoroughly enjoyed the adventure that the Ruby Red trilogy was. It was hilarious and action-packed without ever being too much of the other. Plus, the synopsis sounds very The Raven Boys, which I love. 

Why the hype: I'm a sucker for long titles if they actually make sense to me. This one does, and not only does the synopsis sound like a lot of fun, it also looks fun cover-wise. I'm not one to turn down happy adventure books, so let me at it. *grabby hands*


Things We Know by Heart by Jessi Kirby
Why the hype: I admit that I haven't had the pleasure of reading a Jessi Kirby book, but a good friend of mine absolutely adores and loves her works. He's gone through a lot just to get his books signed by her, and rated every single one of her books highly. He's not an easy reader to please, so if he's looking forward to this, then I am, too. 

(Get ready when this day comes, you guys, apparently we'll all be hanging out at the bookstores closest to us. It's a big one.)

An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir
Why the hype: You all know by now that this book has been the most-looked-forward-to book this April. I see why, given the fantastic synopsis, so I have really high hopes for this one! 

The Game of Love and Death by Martha Brockenbrough
Why the hype: I've always had a fascination for two forces that seem to be battling, but in truth can't exist, or is magnified by one or the other. Despite being a love story, this book promises to be unique and deep, which I'm all in for. 

The Girl at Midnight by Melissa Grey
Why the hype: Sadly, this book had me at "For readers of Leigh Bardugo and Cassandra Clare..." *sighs* Pretty big names, book! I shall have high expectations! 

Rook by Sharon Cameron

Why the hype: Another thing you should know about me is that I love history, as well as the arranged-marriage-but-they-fall-in-love-eventually trope. While the synopsis of this book is giving me those vibes, I also love the tone of mystery to the plot, and so I need this book, like, yesterday. 

The Secrets We Keep by Trisha Leaver

Why the hype: I'm looking forward to this mostly because I've always wanted a twin sister. I have this idea that twins have this very deep connection, deeper than normal siblings have, just because they share a lot of stuff such as their mother's womb, and birthdays. So to have this book, proposing that these two sisters might not have known each other as well as they think they have, is intriguing and mysterious to me.  

Come at me, April (well, the rest of it, anyway)! I can't wait.